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Copper Box (London 2012 Handball Arena)

About our project

Multi-use arena and concert venue

Members of our team delivered the PAVA and Acoustic designs as part of the construction contract. Our input included significant acoustic design development for the roof elements, which had to provide both sound insulation and internal absorption for the multi-use arena and concert venue.


Our team members supported the Contractor, Buckingham Group Contracting, to deliver the PAVA and Acoustic designs as part of the construction contract. Our input included significant acoustic design development for the roof elements, which had to provide both sound insulation and internal absorption.

The original operation of the arena was the for the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics as a the main Handball venue. For Paralympic handball, the noise floor in the venue had to be extremely low (for games with partially sighted players, the ball has a bell inside it) which required extensive measurement and mitigation measures to reduce noise levels from the sports lighting transformers.

The arena’s legacy use as a multi use community and concert venue has seen it become a popular venue for the East London community.