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Superbloom at the Tower of London

About our project

Superbloom is a new natural landscape, surrounding the Tower of London

Over 20 million flower seeds were sown in the moat in 2022; designed to bloom and evolve over the course of the summer in harmony with nature, Superbloom has become a new haven for pollinators in London. Visitors can explore this remarkable space which celebrates the value of nature for wellbeing.

Arts & Culture
Creative Content
Immersive Audio
Sound system design

We worked with the Historic Royal Palace client team, and Design Team to develop the Soundscape for the experience. We provided creative consultancy and technical design for the soundscape system. Through our connections with artists and composers, we introduced Erland Cooper to pitch for the soundscape composition. We went on top write the composition creative and technical brief, and generate ideas for expanding the experience; such as a physical vinyl release, takeaway wildflower seeds, and a digital ERP release.

*Project carried out by members of the Experience Studios team while working for other companies.